This is our GTV. I refer to it alot and realized that not all of you actually know what that means soo here she is! We have very much of a love/hate relationship with the GTV but in the end she gets us from point A to point B so we are thankful to her.
While in the GTV, we have seen a couple interesting things. Mostly, we just see cows and trees but the pictures above are some of the more entertaining things. The first is the Capital building of Des Moines which looks more like a palace. It caught our attention so much that we drove around downtown until we found it (not a huge task). The second is the leaning tower of ...Des Moines. I wish I had an explination for this picture, but honestly I don't.
While inside the GTV, we also felt the need for a little updating. This picture comes from when we talked the men at Best Buy into letting us borrow their tools and took out our stereo. We were so please that we documented the event...would you expect less from us?
Im not a player, I just BLOG a lot. Found this shirt in RAY GUN in Des Moines, IA. Awesome store with a very unique inventory for the area. check out their website!
And in the coveted "last picture" position (yes, if you haven't caught on..this is where my favorite picture of the week will go) are the men that Kina and I have left behind while on our travels. We miss them immensely and are lucky enough to have both of them joining us for a couple of days very soon!
Okay, so there it first picture time post. I hope that you all enjoyed it because honestly it was a huge pain in the ass. On another note, I just wanted to thank everyone who is already following us for achieving the seemingly impossible. My mother has been telling me for years that my head could not get any bigger but (as I assumed) she was wrong. I have gotten so many compliments and positive feedback already in the my short blogging life that it has completely motivated me to keep blogging and try to make entries more often. Also, if you are reading this and aren't following us....WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? There's no time like the present, folks! My head is still small enough to fit through doorways and such so I am fairly certain that we have more than enough room for you on our followers list!Seriously though, I am very very thankful that you guys are interested in what I have to say. I do love to write and it is pretty useless without an audience.
Peace and Pretty Pictures,