Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A stop in Joplin

In a very uncharacteristic twist of events, I am blogging TWO DAYS IN A ROW.
How pleased are you guys? So pleased? Awesome. 

Kina and I are literally dreading heading back to Sioux Falls and after a full day of emailing and conference calls, it seems that no one really blames us. That being said, we made the decision to deviate from the plan and stay in Springfield for a couple extra days so that we could make a day trip to Joplin, MO today. As we drove in it seemed like nothing had ever happened. We drove down road after road of unaffected homes and businesses while looking for places to donate product which made the situation feel a little unreal. We found a few churches that were accepting donations and setting up a sort of outdoor market for people to come and pick up the the groceries and supplies that they need. The feeling of gratitude that we got from these people was unbelievable. At the first church we donated to, we met a woman with a huge spirit who explained that she felt compelled to come to Joplin from her hometown in Louisiana to help out and had come back multiple times since her first trip. She was so grateful for our donation and thanked us both with the kind of loving hug that you would expect from a family member. 

At the next church, we met a man who asked to pray with us as we finished unloading the product. While most of you know about my aversion to all things religious, I could not help but be touched by the prayer that came out of this man's mouth. He put his arms around Kina and I despite the fact that we were both sweaty and prayed that we have safe travels and thanked God for our presence in Joplin. I was stunned. Not because a man at a church would pray for me, no, that part makes sense. The part that got me was that given the situation, this man was praying for me as opposed to the people of Joplin. He directed us to the area that was hit by the tornado and as we drove over a hill, it all came into view. I was instantly overcome with goosebumps and as we drove further down this road my stomach started churning. This was nothing like what I saw on TV. 

There is one image that I am pretty sure will stick with me forever. 

Our last stop was at a station set up in a parking lot with free food and drinks for the volunteers. They were just as kind and grateful as the people we had met previously. We were able to donate product to them for the volunteers and hand out some cold bottles to those that were there eating lunch. All through this experience I felt like our contribution wasn't big enough, that is until we got to this volunteer area. Being able to hand out Vitaminwater to the volunteers made me realize that it takes all kinds to get through these situations and while manpower wasn't what we were able to give, at least we were able to give something. The way that people are willing to drop all of their normal responsibilities and donate all of their time and effort to this disaster is what keeps my faith in humanity alive.

I am so blessed. I say this often, but I mean it. The things that I am experiencing and learning on this trip are leading me to no other conclusions. 

Peace and Love,

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