On another note, We are in Des Moines right now and finally got to pick up our shirts from RAYGUN! They are awesome and I am super excited to have a custom STL tshirt. Also, I bought a couple other shirts while we were there because they are just too clever and I couldn't resist! It hurt a little bit when the reciept fell out of the bag when I got back to the hotel and I had to relive how much I spent on TSHIRTS! What was I thinking? Good thing they are adorable. I am sad that I wont be back in Des Moines again this summer because RAYGUN is quickly becoming my guilty pleasure. I tried to add a picture of our shirts but the coloring doesnt really lend to being photographed.
One of my best friends, Katie Herr, and Pauly are coming to visit in about a week and we are going to go floating on my day off! I am so looking forward to seeing Katie because before I left we spent a ridiculous amount of time together and so not getting to hangout for about 7 weeks is starting to suck. I think she may have a spidey sense of some sort because as I sit here typing about my excitment I got a text from Katie saying "I am so excited for floating." Great minds think alike.
OH GOD! I almost ended this blog entry without mentioning the most important and exciting part of this week!! We worked an event called RAGBRAI which is a week long bike ride across Iowa and while driving around we ran into the Weinermobile. Highlight of the trip. I got a weiner whistle and a sticker and as I am typing this I am starting to feel like a 6 year old because I am far too excited to sound like an adult. The girls that were working were telling us that they are on tour for a year with only 4 weeklong breaks to go home, which definitely put my tour into perspective. On our way home from RAGBRAI, I got a speeding ticket. I guess I was on a Weinermobile high and was driving a little too fast. The cop didn't even give me the chance to explain my speeding. I was almost starting to believe that it was part of the constitution that speeders had the right to try to talk themselves out of tickets. "Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Outsmarting Cops" ...right? Not in Iowa. I miss Missouri.
Anyway, it's time for me to make a dinner decision and seek out some exciting things to write about so that all 26 of my readers (yes, that was my way of telling you that we got a new follower :)) can have wonderful things to read for my last few weeks on tour!
Peace and Weinermobiles,